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PLANT COVID-19 update – August 2020

By 2nd September 2020April 13th, 2022One Comment

Photo of Lewis with pumpkins

As restrictions are slowly being lifted, we have begun to open up the Community Garden again to our regular volunteers for open gardening sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays and run a weekly click-and-collect produce stall at the Garden gate. We also run socially distanced, small group, volunteer gardening sessions at the Fruit Tree Walk and planning for our annual apple picking and juicing of Tayport’s apples starting in September. For now, we have decided to keep all our workshops and events online with an intention to review things later in the Autumn.

We now have strict procedures in place including sanitising requirements, tool safety and cleanliness, restricted numbers to 8 people at any one time and a maximum of 4 staff in the polytunnel. We are fortunate that we can do a lot of our work outdoors and have a large space to ensure safe social distancing of 2 meters apart. Anyone entering the garden is required to firstly sanitise their hands and write their contact details down to help with track and trace should there be any reason for concern. All personal data will be kept in a secure place and destroyed after 21 days.

We ask everyone who is displaying COVID-19 symptoms, waiting for test results or under recommended quarantine to please stay away from the Garden or other volunteering sessions.

To be able to do this we have put together a specific COVID-19 risk assessment (PDF) for those attending the Garden, updated any current garden risk assessments (PDF) and also conducted individual risk assessments which were completed before anyone returned.

All returning and new volunteers are asked to first get in touch with Ali via email or by phone 07533 689397 so we can arrange the individual risk assessments and COVID-19 briefing before returning to the garden.


People Learning About Nature in Tayport (PLANT) is a Tayport Community Trust subgroup which works to achieve TCT’s overall aim of promoting a vibrant and sustainable community, with improved quality of life, specifically through projects involving growing food and flowers, while enhancing Tayport’s natural environment. A key aim is to establish a community garden. Tayport Community Trust, Registered Charity No. SCO42558, Company No. SC350253, Registered Office: 10 Broad Street Tayport DD6 9AJ

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