By Kaska
Climate change is in the headlines a lot – and it is worrying… We are told that there is a lot that each one of us can do about it but too often it feels like we would have to give up a lot of our favourite things….Or like just another boring to do list!
Don’t worry – our Earth Explorers are here to help you feel like a climate superhero! Your mission – save the world by shrinking your own carbon footprint. After you watch our Incredible Shrinking Footprint trailer you’ll find it simply impossible to resist jumping into carbon-footprint-shrinking action yourself!
Each of the superheroes in the movie has their own climate-change-fighting power, based on simple tips for shrinking your food-related footprint. With food we eat accounting for 30% of the UK’s carbon footprint, our everyday choices can really make a difference! So next time you choose to buy locally grown food, we hope you feel like you are activating your LOCAVORE superpowers, or when you choose to eat vegetables instead of meat you can feel the true power of THE VEGETARIAN within….

Carbon foodprint shrinking superheroes and their superpowers explained;)
Making of the trailer was such a great finish to our first summer of Earth Explorers club at the Tayport Community Garden. We had loads of fun creating our climate hero characters and acting out carbon footprint shrinking tips. The carbon villains were definitely defeated!
Thanks to Jo and Richard for helping with the session and Ariana, Poppy, Rowan and Lindybelle for such creative work! Also – thank you Jo, Ariana and Poppy for sharing your super dress up box with us:)
We hope you get inspired with our ideas and resources we’ve shared through the blog and have a go at Exploring the world in your own backyard with your family and friends. You can read about other Earth Explorers sessions and resources here. If you do any of your own exploring, we would love to hear about it in the comments below!
Climate Change Explorer Resources
- A short, kid-friendly movie introducing climate change:
- Scottish government’s ‘Saving the world is not just for the movies’ ad which inspired our trailer:
- Our Incredible Carbon Shrinking Footprint trailer:
- We used the free iMovie trailer editor on our garden iPad to make the trailer – it has lots of simple-to-use templates. It is designed to be used by families and there are a lot of blogs out there describing how to, e.g. How to make an adventure movie on My Kids Adventures blog
- For our tips on how to shrink your own food-related carbon footprint see our Carbon page.
- For a summary of Tayport Community Garden’s contribution to shrinking Tayport’s carbon footprint in 2016, see our latest carbon update here.