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November Garden update: pumpkins, green manure and seasonal plans

By 9th November 2021November 15th, 2021No Comments


Well it’s November already, the nights are fair drawing in and it`s time to plan for late Autumn and Winter work. The choice of available veg is shrinking and we have now had our last produce stall for this year with just a few tomatoes and cucumbers remaining. However, there will still be some veg available for the coming winter months; we have carrots, parsnips, leeks, pumpkins and squashes, celeriac, Brussels sprouts and Jerusalem artichokes. These can be picked up from the garden on our usual days although an email or text beforehand would be appreciated.

The gardening work continues in the Polytunnel and outside depending on the weather. The indoor raised beds are in the process of having the summer crops cleared and the winter greens planted. They’ve also had a good deal of our own compost and a top dressing of seaweed meal and volcanic rock dust. Some of the outdoor beds which were cleared earlier have had green manure sown in them. For anyone who isn’t familiar with this it is the sowing of a quick germinating seed mix of, for example, mustard or annual Ryegrass, this locks up the nutrients in the soil and prevents them from being leached out by the winter weather and the growth is dug in come early spring. Others have been planted with garlic and autumn Japanese onion sets.

Looking forward to Christmas, a fresh batch of spring bulbs has been ordered and these will be planted in pots with seasonal bedding plants as potential gifts. Keep an eye on the website or the Facebook page for details and we will also put up a poster at the garden. We are also planning on making up some Christmas veg boxes for the seasonal period, if you are interested then please contact Ali at  The number of boxes available will be limited so order early! Check out our events section for details of our other seasonal plans. 


Peter Christopher

I am PLANT's Community Gardener and will be making regular posts about what and how we are growing things at the Tayport Community Garden. You can find out more about me here:

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