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Local and seasonal foodParticipant diaries

October plastic and plums

By 15th October 2018No Comments

I am going to start with recycling and waste reduction. I have been swotting up since reading links Kaska has sent me, lots of good tips, such as why do we line a kitchen bin (with plastic) and an origami idea demonstrated by a 6 year old that used newspaper. So much is about rethinking the use and avoiding plastic, especially DOUBLE wrapped. Monty Don is on the case of the black plastic pot. Apparently, the horticulture industry is talking to the Plastic Pot Industry so that pots can be recycled and Monty is re-using his, good, I also try to do that. Some nurseries somewhere accept returns, but surely should be more, also vital that Kerbside Recycling Systems people use a sorting system that can pick up the black when sorting so all those black pots and trays don’t go to land fill. And please can we have clear relevant labelling, I often feel like I really don’t think I know what I am doing. But I understand that Fife sorts and processes more than most Councils, good for them! (There is a blog from Greener Kirkcaldy which talks a bit more about recycling in Fife).

I have recently heard on Radio 4 that the pot noodle or cup noodle is one of the biggest invention from post-war Japan, the number sold is awesome, and Chinese trains and American prisons are full of them. As an aside it was mentioned how environmentally bad the containers are – all of them!

On a recent walk my group was asked for their Walker Crisps wrappers as the speaker was sending them back to Walkers Crisps – ‘Not currently recyclable’ not good enough, although cannot find anything online. Only a little thing but on my latest sock purchases, I noticed one pair from Tissots was encased in cardboard, no tiny tricky plastic bits holding the pair together or plastic hanger – good!

But let’s now talk of food to cheer me up. I have been given lots of plums and apples. The red apple tastes and looks lovely but becomes soft quite quickly. Lots of plum jam and sauce made, the best sauce had apples and plums in it. My Chinese 5 spice jar is depleted! I also tried the stewed or baked plumb recipe from Hattie Ellis, One Pot Cook from Fife Library.

I also received a whopper courgette, well, more like a marrow. So I chopped onions, garlic, peppers, then half the green monster. I read that marrow soaks up flavours so in went cumin, more Chinese 5 spice, mixed herbs, a grated turmeric root, and same with chunk of ginger root, nearly left it at that but went for a tin Italian tomatoes. I buy from local co-op, they have the advantage that the tins are lined, so good to re-use as containers also! Tasted just fine.

And finally a picture of a marvellous and laden horse chestnut tree at Crathes Castle last week taken after an inspirational wander around the wonderful Walled Garden.

Chestnut tree in autumn colour

Barbara Bell

Gardening has meant a lot for a long time. From seeds sewing to to looking at colour (can be chaotic) combinations interspersed with recycled stuff. I am much involved with local public space planting. Also have edibles in a smallish raised bed, with mixed results! I look out for ideas for when cooking for my vegetarian grandchildren.

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