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Climate Action Fife

Spreading fruit trees across Fife

By 20th August 2024No Comments

Fruit trees have been springing up in gardens across Fife this spring as Climate Action Fife has handed them out during February and March 2024. We have given out over 380 trees to gardeners as part of our A Fruit Tree for Every Garden in Fife campaign.

The apple, pear and plum trees have all gone to new homes where they will now be starting to produce their first blossom. Free fruit will follow after a few years when the trees have become established. All of the trees are suited to Fife’s climate. They include Scottish Heritage varieties such as Bloody Ploughman and Cambusnethan Pippin.

The trees were grown at a nursery in Perthshire and then dispersed at 12 pick up events. Getting the right number of trees to the right places was a logistical challenge but Climate Action Fife partners CLEAR Buckhaven, EATS Rosyth, PLANT, Fife Coast & Countryside Trust and Greener Kirkcaldy, plus our friends at Grow West Fife, stepped up to the challenge and helped to hand the trees out.

Planting a tree in your garden is an excellent way to store carbon and lock it away for up to 100 years for an apple tree in a rural garden. These trees also boost biodiversity and provide shade and shelter as well as delicious home-grown fruit.

The demand for trees far outstripped the supply this year, which showed the popularity of the campaign. We will run the campaign again in early 2025 when we hope to have another 350+ trees available. The response to the campaign was overwhelmingly positive, with enthusiastic comments like these at pick-up events:

“I’m really excited. We always had them growing up. I’m looking forward to making pies and crumbles.” (Katie, who got a Bramley cooker apple).

“Last year I got my first garden and saw this project online. I’m really excited to plant my first apple tree.” (Anna).

Mapping fruit trees

We’ve mapped the trees on a dedicated fruit tree map of Fife, along with many more trees that members of the public have added. There are now over 1,000 trees on the map. If you have fruit trees in your garden, why not add them?

We’re delighted by the number of trees on our map. We will share the data for sites with five or more trees in Fife with UK orchard mapping carried out by People’s Trust for Endangered Species.

Get involved

If you want to take part in A Fruit Tree For Every Garden in Fife next year, keep an eye on our website. We’ll have more information later in the year.

The post Spreading fruit trees across Fife appeared first on Climate Action Fife.

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