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Climate Action Fife

How retrofitting can help your business become more climate friendly

By 20th August 2024No Comments

Retrofitting is a word you may have heard more and more recently. While the word may be new to you, what it means is not. For most of us, retrofitting means using new technology to make older buildings more efficient. This includes making upgrades and alterations.

Making these changes will help reduce carbon emissions. This will help your business contribute to Scotland’s Net Zero targets.

Retrofitting can include a range of changes. From installing energy-efficient lighting to adding renewable energy sources like solar panels.

Ten steps you can take to retrofit your building

Energy Audits

A thorough energy audit shows the areas where you can save energy. It can also identify opportunities for improvement.

Business Energy Scotland offer free energy audits. Why not request an audit?


Improving insulation will help you keep your building warm in winter and cool in the summer.

Energy Efficient Lighting

Upgrade to LED lights. These are far more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent or fluorescent fixtures.

HVAC Systems

Installing high-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can increase efficiency. Implementing smart controls and scheduling can also optimise your energy usage.

Renewable Energy

Installing renewable energy reduces emissions and your reliance on the National Grid for energy. You could add solar panels to your roof. Wind turbines are another way to generate clean electricity on site.

Efficient Appliances and Equipment

Upgrading to more energy-efficient appliances and equipment can reduce energy use. These include kitchen appliances and office electronics.

Water Efficiency

Many older building will benefit from water-saving measures. This includes slow-flow taps and toilets to reduce water consumption.


Encouraging or providing incentives for employees to use sustainable transportation. These include public transport, bike-to-work schemes, or electric vehicles. Climate Action Fife’s climate-friendly travel team can offer more help.

Waste Management

Recycling and waste reduction programs help minimise the environmental impact of your business. We can offer free support and advice on reducing food waste.

Monitoring and Reporting

Monitoring energy usage and carbon emissions can help you track progress towards net zero targets. It can also identify further opportunities for improvement. Business Energy Scotland offer a free online course called Green Champions. This is CPD certified and available to all Scottish organisations.

How we can help you

As this list shows, retrofitting your business requires a holistic approach. Working out where to start can be overwhelming. This is where Climate Action Fife can help!

We offer advice and support with food waste and energy efficiency. We can help you make small and achievable changes. We can also help you find and apply for funding for bigger alterations.

We have helped many community groups and businesses on their journey to Net Zero. Please look at our case studies to find out more.

If you need a comprehensive carbon reduction plan, check out Small 99. They offer free plans for small businesses and community groups. Their roadmap shows how you can reduce carbon emissions. It’s broken down into key areas, such as transportation. 

Financing retrofitting may also be a barrier to making the changes required. There are many grants and loans available to help offset these costs.

We can help you make your business more sustainable, from helping you find suitable grants to providing energy efficiency advice. For more information, get in touch by emailing

Louise Oliver

Business Outreach Coordinator

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